
Dr. Marv

I had a 3 day weekend, with things getting under way Thursday evening at Vettel's for some poker. My cold prevented me from taking part in, but I did get to see some good photos B.Savoy has of the old school Blackhorse.

Speaking of the Blackhorse, that was the next stop to see Dr. Marv at the BHT Clinic for a prescription to cure my cold.
Vettel & I played our regular pool challenge, and later played some 9 ball. I made remarkable comebacks in both tournaments, to be the victor. I wonder what our lifetime record is?
We were hoping on some BHT poker, but some others beat us to the chips, the crowd being what I will refer to as a mix of misfits and annoyances, we made an early exit.

Saturday there was an awkward moment at Blockbuster when the worker tried to sell me on the rewards membership. I know I don't want it. But the question is, how far do you let him go in his sales pitch? I let the guy almost finish, which was probably a good 2 minutes, and then told him, "I don't rent movies that much." to which he made a quick finish of the transaction and I believe almost cried.

Today was an early rise to breakfast with Chris, Julie and Amanda, then off to Walmart and the mall. Some DQ was picked up for supper, and Kelly is gone back to Fredericton


After 5 times, nothing comes out.

My birthday weekend got off to a start around 6pm Friday, when I left for Fredericton. The drive was pretty interesting, with a mix of rain showers/blinding sun/kids running on the highway. Thankfully no one was hurt.

Friday Night we headed to Jimmy's for what was suppose to be droping off liqour. (That Kelly ended up forgetting/locking in her apartment with no key to get back in.)

At Jimmy's there was one 'Jimmy Trick' viewed, and we all learned that "After 5 times, nothing comes out."
The highlight was Oliver heading for the door and taking a nasty spill.

To finish the night off, a grocery store trip was taken, then we showed up a couple of minutes before closing to see Andrew at Jumbo. This led to grabbing some Subway and I attended the D Savoy residence for some race viewing and Xbox action till about 3am.

After a lot of sleep Saturday, I woke up to a birthday breakfast from Kelly, along with several gifts. Later on a trip was taken to Staples were I purchased a digital camera from Snaggle. After that there was some supper at Ponderosa with Kelly & Steven, which seems to get worse food each time I go there. Then a short mall visit.

Saturday night was the main event; a get together at Kelly's, followed by Sweetwaters/Rodeo.

There were some games played, including Charades. Snaggle ended up acting everything out and my plan of putting down "Perley T." was foiled before the game started. But there were still a lot of good local references I won't get into for fear of lawsuit if mentioned, although all references were based on true factual events.

Mario kart and a few old school video games were also on the menu. There were no Jimmy tricks on this night.

The highlights were Snaggle doing mixed shots of beer and boones, ten of them in total, plus the plate full of spillage from them, and a bit of styrofoam. I also recall a recreation of Huricane Katrina/New Orleans was made on the plate, with the spilled liquor, pieces of debris, and pepper.
Shortly after that Oliver spawned a random game of balloon volleyball, at one point hanging off his chair, held on only by his hoodie, as it was caught on the chairs back. At times, 2 balloons, one odd shaped, one regular, were put into play, making for intense action.

We eventually made our way downtown, not much for highlights, although I think we saw a midget when we left S/R. After that there was an almost fight over a taxi, then a guy approaching asking where the 5-0 station is so he could bail his friend out.

During the cab ride home, Kelly made reference to the Princess Diana crash as we passed through an underpass and a flash from a camera went off from someone standing on the side of the road. Thankfully we did not crash, although I do fear paparazzi follow me sometimes.