
Untitled take away the Un and the led

Today while on break a suspicious person tried to get me to let him in one of our doors at work to "promote a new spa, give away some free pampering to some ladies" after about three times of telling him to go to the main entrance and inquire about having a memo posted about it, he finally accepted that unauthorized personnel are not allowed inside. About 10 minutes after break, the power went out, during the 20 seconds before it came back on, I was sure it was a terror incident. It appears it was just lightening related though.

Other then that stuff and spending time with Kelly, and catching up on sleep, I have not done much, things should pick up though now that the week is nearing end and a very busy few days of festivities are approaching.


krista said...

you screwed some ladies out of a good deal. You should have bought one for kelly. It is a package of hair treatments (cut and highlites) and facials and massage that would normally cost like $200 on for $54 taxes in. I bought one for my mom.

Anonymous said...

Fuck I'll give someone lady a massage and a facial for considerably less....for free if shes hot enough!


Thomas Magnum said...

haha i saw him later and offered to put him on the phone with kelly, she refused tough. i think he took my advice and went the proper route of going to reception about his promotion and did it the right way of hooking up some give away with the social committee. i think he goes to subway everyday and asks people to take part as well.