
What's My Age Again

I will start off by saying that I had a viewer the other day who got to this page by searching google for the phrase, "miramichi girl video"

An interesting topic was brought up on a Third Watch episode the other day. Sully said something that I often think about and is one of my fears, it was along the lines of, "Its like I went to work one day and I came home, went to bed, got up and 25 years were gone. I blew it. Back then I thought by now in my life I'd have a house, kids, so many things I would have done. I blew it and I never even knew I was in the game."

It got me to thinking of how fast time has gone by in my own life, and I guess its the same for everyone. To me its like I woke up and went to high school one day, we made bumper cars in envio sci. class out of card board boxes when we were suppose to be doing a school recycling project but our teacher was at the office dealing with someone who came to school drinking, Kenny said Bootfuck a few hundred times, I did 20 laps around the upstairs with Vettel during lunch playing various games he created, Brian slammed his books shut after answering a question wrong in Mr. wayes class and turned to reading perfect 10 the rest of the afternoon, I came home, went to bed, got up and here I'm 5 years later. I've done a lot in the years since high school, and I have sat around a lot as well, it was a good balance. I don't regret any of it and wouldn't change any of it, but shit it has gone by fast and there were a few things I thought I would have done and experienced in those years but haven't. I guess the moral is, life doesn't wait for you, every day is valuable, and if you keep putting things off it eventually catches up with you.

I can imagine what my mid life crisis will be like, I hope I buy a Porsche and the BHT.

Today I woke up and had 3 hot dogs with everything on them, then my next meal was a big mac meal courtesy of Kelly. I suggest no one ever have hot dogs for breakfast/lunch and a big mac for supper, I feel like my heart may give out at any moment.

Lately I've been deprived of sleep, my sister and brother in law and nephew are staying here while their house is being renovated. My sister and nephew have to be the noisest people in the world and create large messes. It can be 12am and they will yell out to each other if they are in separate rooms and the rest of us are sleeping. The bathroom, I couldn't even see the floor of it today after my sister dumped all her shit she uses for a shower out on the floor. I think doctors use less items to perform surgery.

The most exciting part of today was seeing Marv driving with passing out Weldon. I was tempted to follow them, to see if they have a secret club or something.

Only 4 more days until I return to work.

Tonight may feature a non alcoholic OH trip with Kelly, and Chris.


Anonymous said...

"The most exciting part of today was seeing Marv driving with passing out Weldon. I was tempted to follow them, to see if they have a secret club or something."

Fuck! I wonder if they found my watch and were driving around looking for me to return it?

I always wonder what happened to it. One minute I had it, then it was gone. I never got to go back to the BHT before returning home to check either.

Thomas Magnum said...

haha fuck, they probably were, I bet the next time we go there, it will be inside the pickled egg jar waiting for you.