
Art Attack

The other night around 1:30am Kelly and I paused on the family channel for a moment as Art Attack was on. This one was some special late night action as he made a rhino out of the rhino's own piles of shit that were collected in a shovel and wheelbarrow from the rhino's living area in the zoo. Later on in the episode he was blowing paint around on a table using a straw, however it looked like he was using his nose to do so and snorting up lines of coke, he then threw down the straw and said something like, "man that gives me an art attack!" I can only imagine the drugs he takes to think up the shit on that show.

Tuesday saw a trip to Moncton with Kelly, after the regular mall visit and going to see my old apartment we went and obtained her friend Stephanie and went to Ponderosa for supper. There we had the same waiter who a few years ago gave us our meal and asked us, "would you like some ah... cool whip with that?" when he meant to say mayo. This time he had a hard time tracking us down when bringing us our food. He went to at least 4 other tables in the place asking them if they were us, being the asshole I ‘am I didn't raise my hand saying it was mine, until we were the last table that he came to and asked the question, "did you order something here?"

Earlier in the day in Moncton, a guy appeared out of no where behind the car as I was backing out of a parking spot, he looked to be staggering and drunk, approached my window and didn't say anything. I took a few seconds to read what was in his hand, it was an item he was selling and he was deaf and appeared to be a bit not all there as well. I think this was the first time in a long time I given to charity, and although Kelly feels it may have been a scam and he wasn't really deaf, he definitely had something wrong with him and the 48 second shocker like handshake he gave me was worth the $5

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