
I've never seen anyone buy condoms before

The weekend got under way Wednesday after wrapping up 9 days of work in a row.

I had some drinks & played poker before walking down to the BHT to meet Kelly, Brad & Julie. Drinks were consumed, conversation was had. We were joined by James H. who like always, had some good stories to tell.

Things proceeded to the OH where it was pretty empty. Walking in the door it was like being on Oblivous, as the door person was asking us questions related to what herpes are & how they are transmitted.

We met up with M. Morris, at one point he made a remark that Kelly didn't like so she threatened if he didn't take it back, she would give him a thumbs down on hi5.com. It appeared to work. The comment was along the lines of her only being on his hi5 friends as a result of me being on his list.

One of the most disturbing things of the night was the presence of a male bartender at the OH. My thoughts on this are simple, keep CC's on the other side of the river, don't ruin tradition at the OH. He will look pretty funny dressed up as a school girl.

The drive home was scary, getting the most dangerous female taxi driver in the city. She appeared to be awake this time, but was smoking, while pointing to the 'No Smoking' sign above her head, saying she needed to. We made it home safely.

Saturday I woke up with my first cold in probably a year or more, so most of the day was spent sleeping. Eventually I got suited up for BHT/OH round II.

I was picked up by Kelly, Brad & Julie. We were joined this time at the BHT by Hillary, Bryan & some others before departing to the OH. It was a full house, some notables, some 14 year old types, & a couple of my hi5 friends were noted, (which I think should become a new game, like spotting someone from here at a mall in another city is played).

During a bathroom break an older guy bought some condoms, after he left I over heard the other two guys in the bathroom giggle like school girls saying, "I've never seen anyone buy condoms before!" I was going to ask for ID to make sure they weren't 12.

Eventually sometime after 1 it got to be too hot so Kelly & I departed to get a couple burgers. The guy who bought me a drink a few weeks back was noted during this time. He wasn't intoxicated enough to buy me another one.

Once again we got the same taxi driver. This time she took a personal phone call, crossing into the other lane a bit, quickly telling the person she would call them back. We made it home safely.

Burgers were had. I was sober by the time we got home, having only a few drinks due to the extreme heat at the OH.

I woke up Sunday in time to watch the F1 race, my cold much worse. After more rest, Kelly & I finished the weekend off watching the TPB's.

I took a sick day from work today with no voice, spending the day watching tv.
The highlight being the quote, "If you have to take reading material into the bathroom with you, maybe you go in too soon."


Anonymous said...

"...& a couple of my hi5 friends were noted, (which I think should become a new game, like spotting someone from here at a mall in another city is played)."

I think if it were to be played, High fives would be in order.

"I've never seen anyone buy condoms before!"

In Miramichi, this statement is probably true....Im surprised they knew what they were.

The highlight of tv viewing today was the quote, "If you have to take reading material into the bathroom with you, maybe you go in too soon."

And as I like to say, if you need to bring a change of clothes with you, you've waited too long.

Anonymous said...

haha fuck i think that is best collection of comments ever.