
Mr. Bryan On Jeopardy

It has been a pretty low key weekend.  Friday featured making what probably works out to be $20 for playing hangman at work for awhile as no one wanted to do any real work. My team won, as we were bastards using f'd up words and phrases. Kelly had a gathering at her place Friday night, I was rather over tired so I did not participate in the drinking portion of things. There were a number of funny comments made during the night that I was going to mention, however I can't recall them.

Saturday I went to Kelly's for some supper featuring tities, chicken tities that is. It was good. We then came to my place and watched Big Brother.

Today I woke up for the F1 event, but then fell asleep during it for a few moments.

Anyone remember/ever hear the story about Mr. Bryan making it to the last round of Jeopardy contestant testing? Someone mentioned that at work the other day, it sparked back the memory of him telling us and someone telling him he was bullshitting, I think it was Bmorris.


Anonymous said...

I need the Bukakee Jersey Shirt!!!!!

I'm ordering it sometime this week


Anonymous said...

Fuck..kind of like the rumor that Whalen had a try out for Monster Garage! -005

Thomas Magnum said...

fuck excellent, also be sure to check out the main site, there are a lot of bukkake related products in other peoples stores.
also i tried making a poster out of a dawson bros picture to sell, but the store host claims they think the picture is copyrighted! i guess the dawsons must be big karoke stars in the rest of the world.

i think mr. whalen must have came up with that rumor after hearing of the mr. bryan one. maybe perley started it all years ago with the changing room incident.